Retirement is a stage most people look forward to after years of raising a family and building a career. It’s a time to create new hobbies, indulge in vacations and meet new friends. However, as the excitement wanes, it’s not uncommon for many retirees to become lethargic and lose themselves entirely to boredom as the years go by. That’s why many retirees maintain an active lifestyle—or return to the workforce. MoneyCrashers.com shares that going back to work is a good complementary activity to a fulfilling retirement. It helps the retiree maintain an active mind to delay the onset of age-related conditions like dementia. When the retiree’s social life remains active, depressive isolation is avoided. The retiree also has the opportunity to try a new line of work that he might enjoy doing. Working during retirement also offers monetary value to those who need or want additional income to sustain their hobbies and lifestyle.